This page may be updated as the story develops! 

Originally Posted April 17, 2017
by Robert Baty

Raymond and Amelia Schwab are anti-government, anti-child welfare agency/employee activists.  They have become key players in the Baby Holm case as they have continued to support the parents of Baby Holm in their anti-government, sovcit, anti-child welfare agency/employee cause.

I became involved in the Baby Holm case after Kent Hovind’s handler Ernie Land announced that Kent’s legal dream team leader, Brady Byrum, was secretly assisting the Baby Holm parents in their sovcit efforts to fight the State of Alabama over custody of Baby Holm.


I started a FaceBook group to follow the Baby Holm story.  It can be found at:


In the course of covering the Baby Holm case, the group has discussed a variety of similar cases, one of which was the Daria Vredenberg case being championed by Raymond and Amelia Schwab and their followers.
As with the Holm case, the Vredenberg case appeared to be another case where State custody of the child was justified.  However, Raymond and Amelia and their people have continued to champion their anti-government, anti-child welfare agency/employee agenda and exploit Daria’s unfortunate circumstances.
This page was set up in response to a post by Raymond and Amelia Schwab on their FaceBook page which made false and/or misleading claims regarding me and my coverage of Daria’s case.






That’s Daria’s picture, with her baby, featured on Raymond and Amelia’s FaceBook page graphic above.


Recently, someone using the FaceBook page of Daria’s current boyfriend, not the father of her child, asked to join my FaceBook group and was added to the membership.  Someone using that FaceBook page also contacted me privately; apparently in an effort to threaten, intimidate and/or bully me into doing their bidding.



Private message to me (Robert Baty) using Paul Winzenried’s FB page:

(Begin quote.)

9:11 PM MT


I have no idea who you are or what your goal is but
publicly bashing people about their CPS/DCF case
when you have no idea what they are going through
or maybe the actual truth youre just getting bits and
pieces from social media is absolutely insane you
must be a person with a lot of time on your hands.


Sir I will ask you politely once to take down the picture
you just added.


Ive come to understand that this “group” is a hate
group which I can and most likely will report to facebook
for cyberbullying which is also illegal.


have a great evening


(End quote.)


My note to Daria Vredenberg:


Thanks to Raymond and Amelia Schwab, and others, I figure you have a lot of explaining to do, as do they.

A cast 694


UPDATE: April 18, 2017 10:25 PM MT


Proposition for Discussion
On April 17, 2017, Robert Baty scared
Daria Vredenberg, an 18 year old woman.
Timbo/Kayla Williams: Affirm
Robert Baty: Deny
They just can’t seem to stop talking about me and threatening me.
I am longsuffering.
We have a lot to discuss.
Come out, come out, and let the negotiations begin!




Update August 1, 2018


Update January 21, 2021

For what’s up with Daria, see:



Daria Vredenberg & The Baby Holm Case! — 2 Comments

  1. A little more history, since someone else was asking in my FaceBook group:
    Robert Baty approved Paul Winzenried’s request to join the group.
    Apr 16, 2017 9:02pm
    Paul Winzenried graphic posted to group:
    Messenger message to Robert Baty from Paul WInzenried
    April 16, 2017 9:11pm
    (Begin quote.)
    I have no idea who you are or what your goal is but
    publicly bashing people about their CPS/DCF case
    when you have no idea what they are going through
    or maybe the actual truth youre just getting bits and
    pieces from social media is absolutely insane you
    must be a person with a lot of time on your hands.
    Sir I will ask you politely once to take down the picture
    you just added.
    Ive come to understand that this “group” is a hate
    group which I can and most likely will report to facebook
    for cyberbullying which is also illegal.
    have a great evening
    (End quote.)

    Robert Baty removed Paul Winzenried from the group.
    Apr 16, 2017 9:15pm

  2. Guess I need more field. I had to find out on my own that Timbo has been back on Peter J Reilly’s blog whining about me.
    I have revised the latest proposition that Timbo has presented for our consideration.
    Proposition for Discussion (Revised)
    On April 17, 2017, Robert Baty
    contacted Daria Vredenberg,
    an 18 year old woman,
    in a private message,
    and scared the hell out of her.
    – Timbo/Kayla Williams: Affirm
    – Robert Baty: Deny
    Timothy Williams
    April 18, 2017
    3:29 AM
    Mr.Reilly I wish you would stop giving this nut a soap box.
    He stalks peoples, harasses them, taunts them and today he contacted a 18 year old girl in Private message who is under a Gag order and Scared the hell out of her!
    His two FB pages and his Conspiracy Sovcit Webpage are full of his cyber bully obsessive Bull Xxxx!
    What he is doing is Felony in his state and you are giving him credibility for his followers and a forum to commit his felony. COLORADO #18-9-111, section 4.b.II:
    Harassment – stalking.
    (1) A person commits harassment if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he or she:
    e.Initiates communication with a person, anonymously or otherwise by telephone, computer, computer network, or computer system in a manner intended to harass or threaten bodily injury or property damage, or makes any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal by telephone, computer, computer network, or computer system that is obscene;
    h. Repeatedly insults, taunts, challenges, or makes communications in offensively coarse language to, another in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response.
    First time stalking penalties in Colorado can include: FELONY
    • 1-5 years in Colorado prison (with mandatory 2-year parole),
    • A fine of $1,000-$100,000.
    Timothy Williams
    April 18, 2017
    2:11 AM
    stay away from me and THIS pinterest site and

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