Page Subject to Update & Revision

Raymond Schwab is threatening to go to Washington, DC and stop eating until he gets some attention from President Trump.  It seems Raymond and his wife, Amelia, are upset because the Government does not due their bidding.


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Raymond names names and makes threats which just might warrant his investigation, indictment, and arrest!  Putting it off on God is just a standard gimmick for his kind.


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Raymond’s FaceBook Address:



Kent Hovind was convicted of “Obstruction” in his 2006 trial.  One of the claims on the obstruction issue was that he threatened federal agents.


Here’s an excerpt from the trial transcript where the prosecutor responds to Kent’s lawyer and explains the threat issue:


(Begin quote.)


He (Kent’s lawyer) claimed that the testimony

was that when Mr. Hovind said that he was

praying for these witnesses, these agents, that

that was the threat.


That wasn’t a threat.

The threat was when he said,


“and I know God knows how to take

care of people who interfere with his



You heard it on the tape, on the Truth radio program

when he said it would be okay with him if God dealt

harshly with the agents who served a lawful search

warrant on his premises.


(End quote.)


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UPDATE May 18, 2018 – Raymond’s Related Project


A cast 2012

A cast 2011

A cast 2009

A cast 2010


UPDATE May 19, 2017

A cast 2013


A cast 2014


Link to above video:


Update June 3, 2017 2:50 PM MT – Raymond’s Fund Raising Page!


July 31, 2017 – Raymond threatens Robert Baty


August 4, 2017 – Raymond mentions Robert Baty in live Facebook performance (around the 7:15 & 12:45 marks)! 

Live update:Lions and tigers and bears…oh my

Posted by Free The Schwab Children on Friday, August 4, 2017



Raymond (aka Seraphim) Schwab – Performance Artist! — 2 Comments

  1. Today, May 26, 2017, Matthew Simechak posted on the status of
    Raymond’s federal case, via the “Understanding The Baby Holm Case”
    FaceBook group.
    From: Matthew Simechak
    Date: May 26, 2017
    Time: 3:00 PM MT
    I posted the court ruling that Raymond is referring to in the files section.
    Here is an explanation I wrote up of what is going on in the Federal case so far:
    The federal appeals court affirmed the federal district court’s
    order denying injunctive relief under the Younger Doctrine rationale.
    So, this is confusing but, what happened is this:
    1. Schwab filed a federal lawsuit against Kansas and a bunch of individuals.
    2. A bunch of people filed motions to dismiss.
    3. Before ruling on the motions to dismiss, the Schwabs filed a motion for
    injunctive relief demanding stuff pending the rest of the case.
    4. The federal district court denied that relief, saying that he’s not
    likely to win the federal case because he had adequate remedy to protect
    his constitutional rights in the Kansas Courts, and that just because he
    doesn’t like the way they ruled, doesn’t mean that his constitutional
    rights were infringed on
    5. He then filed an “interlocutory appeal”, which means “I want to pause
    this proceeding and ask the federal appeals court if that was the right
    6. Today’s order from the federal appeals court says “yes, that was the
    correct decision.” They are now sending the case BACK to the federal
    district court and unpausing it.
    7. So next, the federal district court will most likely either (a) rule
    on all of the motions to dismiss in the affirmative and dismiss the case
    against most or all of the parties, or (b) deny the motions to dismiss,
    wait for the parties to file motions for summary judgment, and then grant
    those against the Schwabs.

  2. The following testimonial regarding the real Schwab history has
    been posted within the last hour to the “Understanding The Baby
    Holm” FaceBook group.
    From: Amber Helmer
    Date: June 1, 2017
    Time: 8:45 PM MT
    Actually, to be honest, yes in a round about way.
    And I know so much more about this family than you ever will
    I know that he has beat his wife multiple times.
    I know that he has hit his children.
    I know that he threw one of them down the staircase.
    I know that he strangled his wife to almost unconsciousness.
    I know that he faked a robbery at their residence to pawn his child’s laptop for drugs.
    I know that they begged for food and clothing using every church’s empathy until that
    ran dry after questions started to arise.
    I know that she caught him at a strip club and he had blown all their money and she
    went Rambo on his ass and then assaulted an officer.
    I know that she’s tried to commit suicide many times.
    I know that she’s had to be checked in for mental health issues.
    I know that he has tried to use her mental illness to have people close to her to
    turn against her and side with him.
    I know they both have admitted to meth use.
    I know there were drugs in the home as well as his excessive use of alcohol.
    I know that he has been to prison for armed robbery.
    I know that he also held up a gas station and got away with it.
    I know that he was a POS as a child, ran with the wrong crowds, got in trouble
    and into fights, used drugs, broke the law, etc.
    I know that he had psychotic episodes and talked about spirits coming to speak
    to him.
    I know that they lived in filth.
    I know that you are supporting and protecting child abusers and it makes me so sick.
    You have NO idea who these people are.
    Trust me.
    This is only the very tip of the iceberg with these two idiots.
    Read what the pastor wrote.
    He spoke with Raymond one on one.
    I don’t have to prove anything to anyone.
    In time, his lies will kick his ass and when it does and he’s been exposed
    for the fraud and con artist he is, there won’t be a place remote enough
    for them to hide from it.
    This man is not the man you think he is.
    And before you say people change, this happened past the kids being removed.
    When I say these children are so much better where they are, I mean it.
    The state doesn’t just keep your children for 2+ years for nothing. There’s no conspiracy.
    Just people who are desperately fighting to save these kids! Maybe you should stop and
    look at the oldest kids letter again.
    Remove Raymond’s conspiracy theory and consider for just a second that he wasn’t coached,
    it wasn’t written by someone else, it wasn’t scripted for him and read it for what is
    being said.
    Can you look at all of this the same way?
    If so, I really have no words left.
    No child should have to live how they had to live.

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