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Originally Posted August 8, 2018
by Robert Baty


Link to Amy’s “Cause” FaceBook Page


Link to Thread on Above Page Where Exchange Took Place


Link to Amy Charron’s Personal FaceBook Page




The Exchange


Message #1


From: Robert Baty

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 3:43 PM


“Please reunite Amy Charron
with her only child Markel.”
– Amy Charron
Who is that addressed to, Amy?
From what I can tell, your mother has custody of the child and you don’t like it.
So, are there any current legal proceedings underway and in which you are challenging your mother’s custody of the child?
If so, can you provide a specific legal citation for the case?
If none and, therefore, no citable case, how do you expect to have the child returned to you?


Message #2


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 4:20 PM


Your opinion is odd. I gave document proof why and already won multiple cases. You keep stalking me not even on my fb or group. Who are you and why are you so interested. Suspicious since you were on a small hate group over my case. These haters were reported by many. Grotesque langue and profanity! You supported it all. I screen shot it all and planning to publicly have it open for everyone to see the truth.


Message #3


From: Robert Baty

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 4:34 PM


You obviously didn’t win any case that would have resulted in the return of your child, and if there was any case pending whereby that could be a possible result, you failed to give the citation or post any documents therefrom.
Google me; I’m probably more famous than you are; Internet-wise.


Message #4


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 5:13 PM


Lol you don’t scare me and your wrong! My documents prove it plus winning multiple cases. And sure I will posts proof of who you really are tonight. One twisted sick man who joined a perverted vulgar hate group. I have all the proof! Trust me! Your blocked because you are creeping my supporters out. If you think your credible think again!


Message #5


From: Robert Baty

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 5:42 PM

What am I wrong about?
You admit you don’t have custody of your child.
I claim you have not cited any pending case to change that.
I’m just an old man with a keyboard; though I am a bit famous for being just that! So, what else is there about me you think warrants your attention as an evasion of a discussion of the merits of your claim to be entitled to custody of your child?
My credibility will beat your credibility any day, by miles!


Message #6


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:37 PM


Hardly nobody who supports people harassing and threatening me over my case is credible. Let’s see what I prove tonight about you sir. And don’t be fooled most my evidence was unlawfully shut down and alnost all my radio for 9 years. Don’t think I don’t have many witnesses to my credibility. You have gone creepily out of your way to be bash my case. I don’t know you at all. Suspicious networking behavior. What’s your agenda!


Message #7


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:39 PM


I see barely any activity on your Facebook . Strange for a so call famous person? That’s another incredible fact.


Message #8


From: Robert Baty

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:46 PM


Well, Amy, that’s one reason why my credibility is so much greater than yours. Yes, let’s see what you prove about me, Amy. I don’t mind playing the game, but it is clearly an evasion on your part.
Why not just simply admit as I have claimed that you have no case currently in process, being litigated, that is an attempt to change the custody of your child.
My personal page isn’t much. That’s not where I do what I do to be famous. Keep looking, Amy, keep looking.


Message #9


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:50 PM


You have no activity on your Facebook and not much on Google. A lot of negative.


Message #10


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:51 PM


Credibility ? Lol, a old man your words in a hate disgusting group going along with gross like language. I do have proof!


Message #11


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:53 PM


How did you get on this group? Funny, as soon as a posted a comment not using this group in a long time, you appear quickly. Hmmmm


Message #12


From: Robert Baty

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:57 PM

You sure aren’t much of a researcher.
Go to and search “Robert Baty”. I got 81 references when I did that just now.
Or try these FaceBook pages:
(That made me famous in the child welfare business.)
(My federal case is now on appeal in the 7th circuit.)
(Kent Hovind likes me about as much as you do.)
(A lot of atheists don’t like me either.)
And much more might be said about that stuff.


Message #13


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:59 PM


lol who cares. We don’t. Your clearly a bad man. I can prove it and will. I post proof tonight. You are no professional.


Message #14


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 6:00 PM


And quit cyber bullying and harassing me!


Message #15


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 7:01 PM


Bad researcher? Hardly you are, you can’t even state facts that are right in your face! My court records ect prove far enough! Your a cyber stalker.


Message #16


From: Robert Baty

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 7:05 PM


Like I have claimed, Amy, and which you have yet to rebut; you have give no citation or document that would establish you have any litigation pending that has as its goal a change in the custody of your child.
It’s that simple.
There’s nothing in the works, after all these years and all your whining, that would change the custody of your child.
As to my fame, you must care because you brought it up. I was just trying to help you along with that and realize you ain’t such a “name” as you think, but I am.


Message #17


From: Amy Charron

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 7:07 PM


That’s why my evidence site had 20,000 views in less than 2 months. Your hilarious but I’m bored. Bye! Go slander a fool and quit harassing me. Your blocked and being reported. You have pulled this with 3 others trying to discredit myself and my big lawsuit! It’s really disturbing.


Message #18


From: Craig Haerr

Date: August 6, 2018

Time: 8:05 PM


Robert clearly you are winning this discussion. It’s all been logged in file G4130 for future reference on “subject j39xlt” the aggressor.


Message #19


From: Robert Baty

Date: August 7, 2018

Time: 6:42 PM


Amy has me blocked on her personal page but not on this page.
However, I do have agents that send me stuff from time to time, and I have just posted this on some of my other venues.
You might appreciate it.

Clickable link to Amy Charron’s broadcast on her personal page from which the following graphic was created (the broadcast has since been removed):




Who Wears It Best?



A few weeks ago Amy took up with another like her on the streets of Houston, TX; a homeless, underemployed man with mental issues.  The relationship has been working out and the two of them recently left Houston.


Johnny White’s FaceBook address is:



Update August 10, 2018


Link to Amy’s live FaceBook broadcast:


August 11, 2018 Update


It’s been my experience that “these people”, those like Amy and others whom I have observed over the last couple of years, tend to boast of being one of God’s chosen vessels, and so it is today I post a note from Amy’s boyfriend from Amy’s most recent thread at:


Who Wears It Best?


Amy’s post below is from her latest thread on her personal FaceBook page at the following link:



Update August 12, 2018


Update August 17, 2018


Amy Charron civil suit in Houston federal district court dismissed without prejudice.


Amy Charron Case Dismissed 08172018


Update September 21, 2018


It appears that Amy Charron has now decided to make “getting Baty” a goal of hers!


(“Shared” with permission!)
From: Amy Charron
Date: September 21, 2018
Time: 6:23 AM
MEN ……especially who prey on women in crises by BULLYING , HARASSING and MENTALLY abusing them are cowardly disgusting. REALLY? Put up YOUR DOOKS AND LET’S GET DOWN TO THE TRUTH. Time for me to speak my mind and disclose truths that need to be addressed.
I will be going to the police station today regarding a new public slanderious site about my case and my protector/boyfriend.
My humanitarian, kind, loving, giving and caring boyfriend’s birthday is Sept 22 and he so deserves better.
This person, an older male cyber bully who has never met me won’t leave me alone.
He claims basically he’s famous as a news reporter or whatever and has altered my face and even clothes to make me look horrible physically and mentally.
He is getting his pics unlawfully by a person who are stalking me talking pics of me in public places.
Even posting proof on social media giving my locations when I went into safety over my lawsuit threats. He is even putting things that I posted hackers were doing and claiming it is me.
Plus he’s editing my comments/story by not showing the contents of what lead to my words in defenses of prior threats….. ECT.
I am actually afraid of his strange creepy actions and he’s small crew of haters due to their obsession over my lawsuit.
They are doing all they can do to destroy my case and credibility. Even posting my case number attached with bullying lies!
One person he’s conspiring against me with, has changed a sign in a pic that I am a holding as well. It now reads I am famous but the original sign read BELIEVE! He claims I post I am famous but never have I ever done this in my while life!
He’s stalking me with a unstable foul mouth person who take my pics without my knowedge changing what I really look like.
This was reported to the police before and they have been viciously cyber bullying me for several months.
One of them wrote I am here following you wearing wigs to destroy your case. She wrote we can have you arrested multiple times! She kept writing crazy things like they worked for a captain and the police department that I am suing.
Today, I will file copies to my federal judge on exactly how they are using threats and slander to ruin my case. I have copied many of their disturbing actions to claim their intent is destroy my case and reputation. One uses a fake name who has created some hate group on pathetic lies using all kinds of profanity about my case.
This is obstruction of justice using scare tactics and threats is criminal. They will be investigated and were noted in my lawsuit motion.
I am really fed up!
WILL BE doing some fall cleaning soon and making room on my fb for new supporters etc . What is the point to have 5,000 alledged friends and supporters when they are basically no support or anything that shows Godly compassion at all?
Before I went missing over police corruption and massive cover ups , I would get hundreds of concerned comments and private messages a day. A lot is hacking issues as I have proven for years. And I understand out of sight out of mind but
I work too hard to attempt to bring needed change with a very public voice to be so disrespected. In actuality many who were my once clearly fake wealthy friends left met die in a life threatening crises only months ago. I know first hand what it is like to have it all and lose it over a tragedy.
If it hadn’t been for my now boyfriend helping at the very worst of times, I’d be most likely dead. I lived the so call illusive dream life to in a church charity tent located in scary woods after Harvey.
So I claim enough is enough.
I see clearly who my true dedicated friends are and the delete process is in action today. I plan to delete at least 2,000 people. No offense I just know I deserve better. Quit frankly those in my chose do too! It is inexcusable for at least 50,000 or more to know such a hellish story for survival while suing Texas. Shockingly just my live videos alone……since I filed by lawsuit add up to at least 45, 000.
Not one person offered to help knowing I did not have the funds to copy stolen evidence and travel to do so as well. Not one person helped me when I publicly proved on live videos I was a victim of major crimes by retaliations for my puicity.
I got out there and fought back for countless and helped many for years and years and never asked for anything in return. I donated tons of money to the homeless before I ended up without my beautiful home and career. I did many videos proving my community service in Texas and helped support several orphanages worldwide to be treated like a unwanted diseased stray dog. I went on radio telling stories like mine endangering my life and for what? I talked countless out of suicide throughout the years too.
Well sorry I know I can find a better fb family.
I won’t settle for this rude selfish behavior.
Nobody has ever suffered on my watch if I had any means to help them.
In no way is this post for anyone who is dealing with our lawless agonizing system.
To clear up a few stalker and bully lies. I have received in almost 10 years….. of spending a lot of my own money to help others, very little donations.
Those who won’t stop with vicious rumors and harassing me to destroy my case, will be dealt with in court as part of my lawsuit damages.
Slander out of vicious hate will not be tolerated as well on my fb or anywhere.
Thank you, independent journalist Amy Charron and yes the show must go on with or wihout help.
This too shall pass.


 Amy has added to her “get Baty” campaign with:…/posts/10156003411183337

(“Shared” with permission!)


Update September 22, 2018


Seems like Amy is really fascinated by my work and has added this today to her campaign to “get Baty”.



From: Amy Charron
Date: September 22, 2018
Time: 8:08 AM
Update very disturbing to know a seemingly obsessed with my lawsuit and unstable disturbed man is copying my posts, my loo, changing facts and my evidence . 
After talking to the police, I blocked almost 2 months ago when he was part of a wicked hate plot against myself and Johnny. 
He has his spies basically conspiring against me with him. 
One is on my fb pretending to be my friend providing him my information. 
He claims agencies are helping him and that he is a famous news man. 
What a joke. 
He has done news reporting work for seemingly big names in his past but there is nothing professional about what he’s doing with my story. 
He keeps distorting facts even my live videos. 
He is changing the context in which my post was written by leaving out things such as threats, terrible slander, and profanity….. ECT. 
Luckily I have a friend who took pics of what he’s covered up! 
Also non stop hacking that many of you have witnessed that has been reported many times, has him taking those post and trying to use them against me. 
He changing my looks somehow too claiming it is how I present myself on facebook. 
He has pics of me where the words of sign I am holding has been changed to make me look crazy! 
I do have the original copy! 
I can prove I posted proof of the hacking too many times. 
He is trying to destroy my credibility and case with a creepy obsession to my life and boyfriend. 
Now back to ………. what really means a lot to me. Happy birthday Johnny . You are a man of character who is unique, loving, kind and gifted. I am blessed we met even though it was over a tragic event. Hope you have a great day. 
DESPITE Of the sick hater who lies, participates in evil and vicious extortion, having my pics altered, changing the facts of my posts, malicious cyber stalking and harrasment about us. 
Who has oddly made it his mission to participate in character defermation and constant slanfering acts. 
You knew all along the publicity of my case would attract wicked lies. You told me I am worth it despite the exhausting lawless battle. People that admit they want to ruin my lawsuit is rare when you look at my supportters as a whole. Actuality only trolls who never met me have threatened my life and harrassed you. We reported over 18,000 sick twisted messages to a detective and it stopped until now only a few disgusting people left. They admit they are trying to destroy my solid case and but also clearly us too. 
It is low lives and bullies who have no life of their own that gives them relentlessly time to do this. 
You are targeted for being with me. 
My judge is aware of all this too. 
YOU say I’m worth all the stress and scare tactics that comes with loving me. 
Thank goodness God brought us together. 
You are my braveheart and protector. 


Amy’s Latest Filings With The Court


Amy Charron Letter 09142018


Amy Charron Attachment 09142018


Amy Charron Amended Complaint 09182018


Update September 23, 2018


Below is Amy’s edited version of the above:


Blast From The Past


Video links and select comments from below the videos!


From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
Amy, you will NEVER get Makel back until you get your BiPolar problem Managed and Yes that means you have to take Meds because without them, Markel is Neglected and Not protected from Harm. You have harmed that poor little girl ENOUGH. She is Safe and Happy now in the care of her Loving grandparents who DO provide for her needs and keep her out of harm’s way unlike You. 
From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
She wasn’t missing, she took off and left her so called ‘beloved’ dog ALONE in her house for two weeks. She should be arrested for Animal ABUSE but like leaving her dog to go ‘missing’ for long periods of time, so too did she when she had custody of poor little Markel and if not for Amy’s Mother, GOD knows what would have happened to poor little Markel. 
From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
Can you believe this bimbo’s ACT? How many of us have been hookwinked by this manipulative, con artist? She does have a diagnosis of bipolar and she did not provide a Safe environment for her daughter and WHY her mother was given Custody and why She will NEVER get custody because if not for her mother and step father, GOD knows what would have happened to Markel.
From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
Agreed, Amy is more than Bipolar she is a narcissistic sociopath who is quite effective in getting complete strangers on the internet to Send her MONEY for her sob story BS. Amy has over $4,000 a month in alimony from her ex and plenty of time to SELL her home and Make a good Profit vs refusing to pay her mortgage. 
From: Bobby Avia
7 years ago
Amy Charron, ak/a Deweerd, a/ka Penagos, a/ka Potter. Nobody kidnapped child. Had JURY trial, no judge. Arrested 2x/harassing&threats to ppl. diagnosed w/bipolar w/need for attention/overly dramatic.. Claims stepfather politically influenced; yet he isn’t registered to vote. Doesn’t name mother/stepfather Gary&Anita McDonald. Lived w/mom when has own house. (not foreclosed “overnight”, had 4 mo. notice) Pulls down kid’s pants @supervised visit? Repeatedly hospitalized since 1997/psychoses.
From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
Amy got $4,000/month in Alimony and the $348,000 marital home in her divorce settlement. Amy could have chose to Pay her mortgage while she put the home up for sale and got herself a good Profit but oh nooooooo, she refused to pay her mortgage, didn’t show up for the foreclosure proceedings, didn’t try to renegotiate her mortgage and then CRIES a sob story about only getting a 24 hr eviction notice?
From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
If anyone deserves to be Evicted, it IS Amy Charron. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans that do not Deserve to lose their homes to foreclosure but Amy does. Go get a JOB, Amy or get on SSDI as an individual with BiPolar who cannot hold a Legitimate Job but is a con artist that can get strangers on the internet to beLIEve your BS story and send you MONEY.
From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
You didn’t prove anything except that you are a NUT case and you have made an Enemy out of Everyone who has tried to help you only to realize they got suckered by you and that’s when you turn ABUSIVE.
From: Jane Doe
5 years ago
She IS ‘abusive’ when she doesn’t GET her WAY. Give her MONEY for her lawyers, her foreclosure, her latest eviction; Amy always has her own Causes going to get SUCKERS to give her MONEY. 


Update September 24, 2018 – Amy Makes It Personal


Amy has since edited the following message; go to link above for latest revisions!


From: Amy Charron

Date: September 24, 2018

Time: 10:36 AM MT


To Robert, who is basically made it his mission to find any negative writings on me in almost 10 years, by leaving out the truth.


As a public exposer of many subjects our media hasn’t covered, I knew I’d be targeted. Sadly some people these days just have no compassion for what I referred to on radio many times…..a silent epidemic.


I knew when I decided to sue Texas these people would viciously come at me.


Countless are losing everything or literally went homeless over organized corruption and crimes.


Robert, a older news reporter, seemingly ambulance chaser for notability, sides with criminal actions, a police officer who went to jail over my whistleblower evidence.


Where it really gets weird he is helping the bad guys and the very few haters, stalkers, bullies ECT that have attacked me throughout my years of exposing corruption. He has, what he calls agents who gather my posts ECT but sadly changes facts and the context of why they are written.


Robert was blocked advised by the police months ago. He’s now targeting my faith driven boyfriend with cruel lies, who is very kind, optimistic and spiritual despite he grew up with his step dad’s horrific abuse. He ended up in a orphanage after his mother died young and he was left alone with his step dad.


Just like with myself, he has heartlesdly and relentlessly conducted in defermation of our loving relationship and character.


My boyfriend and I met the police and internal affairs a few days ago about his bizarre obsession with my case.


My federal judge always is aware of his misconduct and obstruction of justice by trying to use scare tactics and a slandering site in efforts to make me want to drop my lawsuit.


He has a purpose admitted by his conspirior to destroy my case against Texas, elected officials and Houston’s police department.


He repeatedly will not show facts behind my case such as the officer I am suing already went to jail for what he did to me.


He leaves out actual proof of my evidence and does everything he can to convince We The Peope , my boyfriend and I are insane.


He takes my posts that hackers alter which I expose all the time with proof, and claims it is my words. EVEN FB WHICH I CAN PROVE NOTIFIED ME NUMEROUS TIMES ABOUT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON MY FB.


Now, it is clear, his agenda is nothing more than to bully a HEARTBROKEN mother who’s been through hell.




He has no respect for human life. He has joined a hate group that committed crimes against me. He helped them try to destroy me by writing a so called piece of journalistic bogus efforts on my life .


He’s crazy angry rage is because he blocked him right when he started his character assassination on me. He is devoting…. creepily his time to bash me and my hard work on my beyond stressful federal lawsuit.


It is clear to my friends and supporters he has no life. After all we’ve never meet yet he is devoted to ruining my court case ? Many find his actions bizarrely disturbing. My friends yesterday told me they fear for my life.


I laughed no he’s just a no good imposter with sadly no life of his own.


We prayed for him several times but we woke up today with more lies by only showing a one sided argument. He has altered pics of me with every effort to convince you all I am hideously ugly and grossly obese.


He’s making fun of my large fibroid that causes swelling in my stomach area which needs to be surgically removed. I already had one removed in 2001 but they usually come back.


Too many of you know what I look like so I’m not going to worry about all his hate about my appearance and health issues.


What I am concerned about is why when I filed my lawsuit is he so intetested in making sure I lose with a few others?


He relentless bullying is being reported by a sworn statement today or tomorrow.


We are gathering proof of the crimes today.


Luckily, I have friends who watch my back and copied a great deal of the threats and harrasment.


Strangely he claims to be a big famous news reporter or whatever, but he’s defending and conducting in crimes against me.


He actually joined in the group with the few who had fake names and tried to terrorize my boyfriend and I . One admitted to followimg us and wearing wigs plus working for the people I am actually suing . She took pics not reflected at all what I look like and disclosing our locations knowing we were in a new location for safety reasons. The owner of the place we rented was very upset about it too. We left to a new city over it advised by others. This I was told is criminal for sure because she kept claiming the police we’re on their way to put me in jail.


Facebook was notified about the hate group’s postings among other false statements and threats. She kept bringing up my case even using horrible language . I screenshot much of it and so did friends.


I am far too busy for this yet I won’t tolerate it either.


Nor will my protective boyfriend and supporters. Too many men and women deal with this when vulnerable over injustices. Men that bully women are cowards! We must defend ourselves and each other with God by ourside.


I won’t be SILENCED.


Thank you,

Amy Charron


Update September 26, 2018



Update September 27, 2018


Another day and Amy is again whining about what she claims has been going on with her.  It could be a long day for her, but in the end, it appears the status of her “big lawsuit” will still be “dismissed”.


It seems Amy Charron has demonstrated her anti-government, tax protester side with this most recent post to her page at the following link.




Amy’s Latest Post – She Mentions Me


From: Amy Charron
Date: September 27, 2018
Time: 7:55 PM MT
I am a TARGETED individual for going very public with my story which included many radio interviews.
All you see everything from my once beautiful house then apt filled with valuables has been stolen and the police cover up the truth.
Shockingly, even deleting multiple reports!
Got a notice from the police department today they still cannot find proof of theft that added up over 250,000 on just one report alone from a while back!
The theft counting everything including all belongings, designer high end jewelry and handbags including rare antiques is over 700,000 not counting my very beautiful house illegally taken over injustices, my gorgeous custom built car ECT.
My convertible custom car ( used off and originally 42,000) was illegally taken twice and still gone almost a year!
The police purposely committed fraud to cause me to lose everything and end up temporarily witjout shelter.
The hate rumor on me by some reporter Robert will stop!
Lies about the crimes I’ve endured and much more where he has non stop been attacking me!
I literally went from riches to rags over organized corruption and crimes.
I was not living like I have been until constant retaliations came at me with no justice.
Now you see why I am suing in federal court.

Update September 28, 2018


Amy Charron has a new Sovcit friend!




Update October 2, 2018


Amy has been bragging on Johnny White as if he’s a gourmet chef and has been preparing gourmet meals for her.  Here is one example of what she has posted that actually has Johnny in the frame with a dish.



Update October 6, 2018


Jacquelyn Weaver has posted an entry on her blog dealing with “Targeted Individuals”, and it includes references to me, Robert Baty, and the Kent Hovind related Shawn Stuller case.  Link to article is:



The rumor is the article has made its way to Amy Charron and she has taken note of the references to me, Robert Baty, and plans to order T-Shirts for her and her boyfriend.


RationalWiki provides this definition for “Targeted Individual”!


Targeted Individual” (TI) is an umbrella term coined by troubled unfortunates and paranoid cranks who insist that they are all, individually, on the receiving end of a massive covert harassment conspiracy of highly convoluted malignant intent. 


Update October 7, 2018


Amy Charron – Ever the Drama Queen



Update October 11, 2018


Sounds like Amy Charron is worked up about me again!


Update October 12, 2018


Amy just posted this on her FaceBook page and claims it shows what cops will do to an innocent woman.  For some reason, I am unconvinced this photo has anything to do with making a case against the cops.  I also think Amy may have now deleted the plain picture with no captions for one or more in which she has captions imposed on the photo making her claim about being beat up by the  cops.


Update October 13, 2018


Ronnie Davis (see above references) now promoting the False Charron Narrative!






In Amy’s latest live FaceBook performance, she makes reference to me and this page a number of times, without mentioning me by name or giving enough information for folks to know how to find this page.  Amy Charron can’t handle the truth.  She said the video would show up here, so I will post the link in case the video, like so many before it, doesn’t disappear.


Typical Amy; that video appears to have already been deleted!


Update October 14, 2018


Before Amy’s broadcast noted above disappeared, it was copied and has now been posted in the comments section of the thread at the following link; being “shared” by permission before it disappeared from Amy’s page.


It appears this post from Amy was quickly removed, but not before someone captured it and “shared” it with permission.


Woe is me!  From the Hospital!


Update October 19, 2018


In another live video Amy whines about my (while refusing to mention me by name) reporting her case as having been DISMISSED and reported as “closed”, yet that is the current status of the case as far as what is publicly reported, despite all the stuff Amy has sent in since the dismissal which the Court has yet to post any action in response to.


We will wait and see if the Court ultimately takes any specific action in response to all that stuff Amy has sent in since the DISMISSAL.



The PACER Record (Date Closed – 08/17/2018)

Go to FaceBook link below to find my other public report about Amy’s comments and clearer copies of images above:


Link to edited post of later video from Amy today, followed by excerpts from comments associated therewith:

(“Shared” with permission!)


Update October 20, 2018



Amy is again playing secret agent and claiming she has gone into hiding.  However, based on her comments and comments from the following earlier, it may be that Amy is staying at this guy’s winery or other property.


Update October 21, 2018


Amy is whining again and pledging to appeal the DISMISSAL of her federal suit if it is not revived.  Screenshot below is excerpted from Amy’s post at:


Typical Amy – No real details, just more story-telling!


This is reported to be Gene Odom’s residence in Sugarland, TX where Amy Charron is currently staying.

Amy seems to want to brag about the property above being worth millions, while the county assessor has a different idea about that.

(Market Value: $407,000.00)


Watch out evildoers.  It looks like Amy is coming for you.  As to that picture, some have claimed it was photo-shopped and/or the woman featured was not Amy Charron.


Amy likes to brag about the good life she claims to have had and how she was a real somebody.


Amy Stoops To New Low!

Didn’t take long for Amy to embellish her story!


Update October 22, 2018


Well, it was reported not long ago that Amy and most likely Johnny had lice or some similar bug infection and Amy has not ceased playing with her hair and scratching her head hair since that time; leaving questions as to whether or not whatever it was has been remedied.  Hospital records she was flashing around indicated she was given medication for lice, as I recall.


Update October 23, 2018


In the related video performance, Amy whines about my work and misrepresents it.


For some reason, Amy appears really desperate for my attention.  Amy, feel free to have your D.A. call me.  I’m looking forward to talking to her/him.

For clear copy of graphic below, see:


Text of Amy’s comments in above graphic:


“The only one I’m using his real name is this Robert guy who’s totally in trouble because we’ve already screenshot his whole site. 


He claims he has high up connections and he has permissions and he’s sharing all my private videos and Messengers. 


He’s crazy. 


I told the D.A. he’s like, what is he talking about ‘permission’…


So, he did this hate site on me and he’s switching everything around.  He’s doing everything advantageous to himself.  He’s admitted he wants me to lose my case…


I want to make sure before I disclose his name that they have what they need to do an investigation on what they believe is organized crime…


Do you have anything better to do with your time, Mr. Robert. 

You don’t scare me, sir. 

You’re freakin’ people out. 

My D.A. is aware of you. 

You are not going to get away with it. 

You’re not… You’re a joke. 

You are an elderly man. 


Why don’t you put up your dukes and get right down to it.  Why don’t you meet my 6’3″ boyfriend that’s been trained in martial arts?  You little punk! 


…Mr. Robert, low-life pond scum…It’s taken me almost 5 months to take you down…Your butt needs to go to jail.  I’m going to do everything I can to put you in jail for tampering with my (evidence)…


Let me make it really clear, Robert and “Blessed Little” whatever, blah, blah, blah…All I can say is, Robert and “Blessed Little” whatever, … I have screenshot proof that this Robert man blah, blah, blah. 


I am on to him…

I was just waiting for the right moment…

We’re going to get you for crimes…

I’m not afraid of you, Robert…”


– Amy Charron

– Broadcast October 23, 2018


(End text of Amy’s comments!)


The above referenced video, from which the graphic/quotes were taken, has already been removed from public viewing on Amy’s FaceBook page!


Latest Update from Amy!


Update October 24, 2018


“Me too, me too!” – Amy Charron 10/24/2018

Update October 24, 2018 8:00 PM MT

Amy has just updated her narrative accompanying the above post.  Following is what it looks like now:


So, I wrote to Amy’s Harris County District Attorney about her possible interest in me and the work I do.  I got a speedy reply, and responded to her question.  Due to the following message at the end of the email, I guess I will just wait to see how that might play out.


(Begin quote.)


This e-mail is the work product of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office prepared in anticipation of or in the course of preparing for criminal litigation.  This e-mail is not subject to public disclosure without the express permission of the Harris County District Attorney or her designated representative.


(End quote.)



I may yet be instrumental in getting Amy the help she needs! – RLBaty
(Begin excerpt.)
Prosecutor Michelle Permenter is the new
director of the operation. She tells us that
one thing that has been crippling to the
division in the past is that often times the
focus has been on defendants and defendant’s
rights. (Which might be news to defense
attorneys working the courthouse, but that’s
what she said.)
Respect for the victim is a priority, she said,
and the new division wants to be sure that
“we meet them (the crime victims) where
they are, not where we think they should be.”
(End excerpt.)


Update October 25, 2018


I continue to correspond with the Harris County, TX D.A.’s office regarding the case of Amy Charron which is apparently getting some interest in the office.  This morning, early, Amy posted a note on her FaceBook page, non-public, within recent minutes made it public, and then removed it again from public view.

Link and Excerpts


From: Amy Charron
Date: October 25, 2018
Time: 7:35 AM
There is a wicked man name Robert that has been supporting all the thugs who have harmed me mentally or physically and mocking my once great life! 
He has literally been helping the bad guys win my case and has been stalking and harassing me with others who use fake names for almost 6 months! 
They were reported but they never stopped. 
Now he has openly confessed that he wrote the DA that he has a criminal case against me! 
If you find this as sick as Johnny and I plz get involve. 
Many of you are witnesses to live videos proving crimes ECT. 
Many of you have watched all the hacking and harassment as well. 
He has been reading and posting our private messengers. 
Somehow he has gotten away with having people or himself….still unclear…..follow us and take our pics disclosing our location! 
This is of course illegal especially when they alter my pics and words. 
Conveniently most of my evidence has been stolen and they prove they can hack into it all. 
But most disturbingly he has posted publicly my federal case news before I can see it! 
Within seconds he post my fb info, despite he is blocked. 
People have complained but he keeps insisting he has permission to do very creepy things! 
He took a pic of me holding a believe sign and changed it into I’m FAMOUS! 
He and a few others have made it their lives to have my case dropped! 
They are taking control of my fb on many false claims! 
This one nameless person claims she is wearing wigs following Johnny and I and works for the captain of the very cop I put in jail. 
I screenshot proof! 
I will not lose all my hard work over more set ups,organized crimes and corruption. 


Amy has, for reasons unknown, been harping about her body image recently.  It’s hard to find photos of her, but they are out there.  Here are a couple from about 18 months ago; “shared” with permission.


It seems Amy has been reading from the same old script for a long, long time, while picking up men along the way that play the role of fiance and bodyguard.  In this case, this guy and the story line comes across the same as Amy’s Johnny White of today.  Mr. Steele’s page contains all the same story lines as Amy’s page today, and it appears Amy was using his account to post on his page, at times.

(“Shared” with Permission)


Tonight’s rant, in part, from Amy is reflected in the image below.  It has been forward to my Harris County D.A. contact, as requested.  Maybe Amy is closer to getting some real help with her mental health and related issues than ever before.  I hope so.

For a clearer copy you can go to the public post, with additional comments, at the following link:

Text of Above – Starts Around The 3:30 Mark in Video


“Now they are claiming this crazy man, Mr. supposedly big-time reporter, … transcripting my words. 
It’s obvious he’s being paid or he’s someone extremely linked to my case. 
From day one he’s been basically admitting he’s trying to take me down. 
He’s been saying he wants to destroy my case. 
This man has made it his life to have us followed, stalked, … 
This evil man has a hate group on me…
This man is committing crimes like live on Google…
Ask yourself why he’s not in jail yet…
If you look at his site it actually says he wrote the D.A. and has a criminal case against me or something like that…
I need an army…
get a hold of the D.A…
Don’t let this Robert Baty guy, I said his name, you don’t believe me, Google ‘Robert Baty v. Amy Charron’. 
You will be horrified how he’s not in jail…I’m not playing around. 
They aren’t going to get away with this…” 
– Amy Charron
– October 25, 2018


There appears to be some inconsistencies between Amy’s version of events regarding the alleged recent assault of her and her boyfriend/bodyguard/fiance.  While we wait for more information, here is some information on the 2 persons arrested and the Complaints filed against them.

Charron Assault Complaint 1 – Against Cesar Pena

Charron Assault Complaint 2 – Against Jason Delaney


I have also now found other Harris County, TX records on what appears the same Amy Charron considered on this site.  Following are 2 files containing the charging document and the conviction document.  A related charge of tampering with a witness was dismissed based on the conviction on the harassment charge.

Charron Harassment Charging Instrument

Charron 2010 Harassment Conviction


Update October 26, 2018

“Shared” with Permission
From: Amy Charron
Date: October 26, 2018
Time: 6:03 PM

Another police report done and more to go when we go to internal affairs next week!


These crimes against JOHNNY and I are going down.


I have far too many witnesses and much more!


As far as the recent aggreviated assault, this ROBERT BULLY HARASSER CYBER STALKER ECT……has made it his life to discredit me!


He is defending crimes against me and others while deliberately endangering our lives. Already targeting our movie producer friend and business contact with disclosing his home on social media.


He even posted our family…..names withhelded for safety reasons.


He states he is building a case against me to help all those basically who have harmed me mentally or physically!


The DA on the case said there is no truth to his recent disturbing public claims.


Oh and now he claims my story keeps changing on the recent crime!


He repeatedly states I am basically fraud and has done everything to help dirty cops that I won 2 cases against!


He litetally has made it his mission to discredit my big federal lawsuit.


As far as the recent attack on us, Robert!

Claiming my police report changed?

Upsurd, it is called PTSD…. trauma after math affects from all the hell!

My flashbacks are very real!


Sure standing with cops in shock with my fiance hardly dressed terrorfied? Sure I bet the case was not complete ECT! Keep in mind Johnny and I had just gotten out of the ER too hours before the assault! Like we can’t PROVE it and the hospital gave JOHNNY strong pain meds ……..for his broken right hand from a prior robbery assault daus before!


What a evil man you are and many of you have messaged me about him as witnesses.


Thank you for all your prayers and concerns.


Here is one pic (not copied here-RLBaty) of the man who had a knife and threatened me over and over while the other man waved violently a metal pole at us!


They chased us too half dressed!


This is a disgrace that this enabler ROBERT, who has endangered Johnny and my life isn’t on jail yet!


He has deliberately put us in danger disclosing our private life and locations with a very small army of nameless TROLLS . Many believe they could be the cause of many of the crimes against us including massive thefts and the majority of my stolen evidence!


He has proven he has hacked into my private messenger despite he was blocked months ago!


Truly he has used about every scare lawless tactic to help evil doers win.


He alters my pics changing my looks dramatically, story and words.

















LOOK CLOSE AT THIS MAN (pic not copied here-RLBaty)






By the way this man has multiple charges in his past?

So who is credible?


Update October27, 2018

Amy threatening to become a YouTuber!


“Shared” with Permission!


From: Amy Charron

Date: October 27, 2018

Time: 6:10 AM


Just like my case covered up by our attorney General and the Texas good old boys.


Mr. Paxton should be in prison.


I am doing a you tube first time in years about my case and how Ken Paxton unlawfully stopped my victim assistance and how he admitted retaliation actions against me.


He will be exposed!

He had me do a sworn affavavits with my ex who later went missing on purpose.

He could not take my life of being TARGETED!

Especially when he like Johnny White became viciously targeted.

He like JOHNNY now changed from all the daily hell.


I will not stop exposing!


Keep in mind I filed a lawsuit against our police department and our attorney general’s criminal actions!


My judge has not made a final decision on the new crimes and info I provided him.


2 more police reports had to be made yesterday.

We were advised too to make one more.

This is no dang way to live.


We constantly have to move!

We are constantly harassed and robbed!


Attorney Paxton is a joke.

He does not protect many and made sure I didn’t get my victim assistance!

He’s office even blocked my calls and wouldn’t answer why I didn’t get my assistance!


Shockingly there was no what if?


The cop went to jail over what he did to me!

This is a disgrace.

Many retaliations caused me to live temporarly homeless.


The truth will prevail.


Today’s Private Message From Amy Charron to Her Private Audience (“Shared” with Permission)!

From: Amy Charron

To: Private Contacts

Date: October 27, 2018


Welcome to my hell another lawsuit clearly and now a police report against him.


He has been stalking me for almost half a year now with some nameless trolls.


He has altered my looks dramatically and my weight.

He has given our locations endangering our lives and posted my private messages.

He has been getting away with daily harassment and falsifying my life and case!

Even changing my words and story.


He needs to go to prison.


He has admitted from day one he’s out to destroy me and my case!


This is grounds for a mistrial.


I missed my deadline and filed late over all his harassment and his troll threats.


Please report him to.

Msg me and I will tell you where.

Evil won’t won.


Thank you,

Amy Charron


Link Attached:


Just one example of how permission is granted!


Despite all of Amy’s whining, it appears her lover/bodyguard/fiance, Johnny White, is living the high life.  Rumor has it that it really ticks Amy off to know that Johnny just doesn’t take all her conspiracy antics all that seriously.


Update October 28, 2018


Update October 29, 2018


Amy Charron has a long history of doing the sorts of things she has been doing since I have been covering her story.  Here is a report from someone from back in 2011 regarding his experience with her and her background.


“Shared” with permission!


From: William Wilbur Witt Jr.
Date: July 7, 2011
Time: 11:51 AM
Amy Charron has been banned from GOVERNMENT ABUSE group.
This occurred after she launched into a rant.
I would not speak my mind clearly on someone else’s group, but I will here.
Amy friended me and I got to know her over about a month.
I did invite her to come to Austin to visit. The Rev LeRoy Gilliam was to come with her. The purpose of the visit was to make a video about her issue with her child removal. She had another issue with some “evidence” she had emailed to a lady in California. A dispute arose with this lady and the site that was built was deactivated for non payment. The lady subsequently put the “evidence” on public display and at that time I read it, including a letter from Amy’s stepfather.
Upon reading the documents I concluded that in my opinion, Ms. Charron is out of touch with reality.
She needs care and needs to do what the doctor’s tell her.
I won’t go into detail here but her child is in the best possible place.
My warning here is this: if you are contacted by Amy Charron, a/k/a Amy Deweerd, a/k/a Amy Penagos, a/k/a Amy Potter (Markel’s father is Adam L, Potter) do not deal with her in this matter.
I am quoting Ms Amy Butler here:
(Begin quote.)
“Nobody kidnapped her child.
There was no conspiracy.
Amy was afforded a JURY trial of her peers,
no judge decided.
And why was Amy repeatedly arrested before trial?
For harassing and threatening people to try to influence them.
According to her husband Carlo Penagos Amy was on good
terms with her mother. Amy was also diagnosed with bipolar
and personality disorders, and that she had an abnormal
need for attention and is overly dramatic.
Anyone who knows her can see this.
Amy claims her stepfather is somehow politically influenced;
if that were the case why is her stepfather not even registered
to vote? Why doesn’t she name her mother and stepfather
(Gary and Anita McDonald of Kingwood, Texas)?
No right-minded 40-year-old adult goes and LIVES with her
mother if mom is truly trying to harm her, especially not when
she had her own house. (she claims she was foreclosed
overnight???? Wrong, she didn’t pay her mortgage, and the
bank gave her 2 months to rectify this but she did failed to
do so).
What kind of psycho pulls down her kid’s pants to take pictures
during a supervised visit?
THAT is child abuse.
Amy has been repeatedly hospitalized since 1997 for long
stretches of time due to psychoses. In Amy’s little mind,
everything is always a conspiracy, and if you don’t agree with
her and give her sympathy, you become the enemy, and she
will trash you. And she truly believes her own lies. She is her
own worst enemy.”
(End quote.)
Amy has openly slandered me but my friends that know me know I don’t put any value to that crap.
She said I made a pass at her.
Well, she’s 43 so I think that chastity is long gone.
At any rate she doesn’t need to flatter herself.
Today I have heard from two people whom Amy has solicited money from.
She has no law suit.
She is not going to get her child back.
Her deal is done!
The jury has spoken.
The list of nonsense goes on and on, but just know this. Amy Charron has a long history of mental problems. She lost her child in a trial! Gov Perry is NOT a criminal and probably can’t remember ever meeting her at that rally she had her picture with him taken.
As she nears 50 she will wind down.
It’s sad, but true.
Pray for her.



Update October 31, 2018


Update November 3, 2018

What caused the death of Amy’s father Mark Charron?

Amy has been claiming that her dad died prematurely as the result of some horrible circumstances, but this has not been able to be confirmed.  She has likened the event leading to the death of her father, Mark Charron, to her own recent, alleged, assault by Cesar Pena and Jason Delaney (trial pending, investigation proceeding).


Amy seems to have been ticked off by something today inasmuch as she seems to be back on my case; whine, whine, whine!  Notice she gives no specific details to allow one to figure out any particular complaint about my work.


An Alternative Reading


Here’s another reference from one of Amy’s old promotions; indicating her dad was mugged but didn’t die until later.  If the mugging was when Amy was in high school, as she indicated, it would seem her father survived another 10-15 years and the actual, proximate cause of his death is still not reasonably demonstrated.


So, it seems to me that Amy got ticked off about something today and decided to just flat out lie about my reporting on her and her case.  I didn’t notice a single effort to document anything I have actually said or done that she might want to take up for discussion; in the following post.

Oh no!  Amy is now threatening to go to the FBI about me!

From the above referenced video.  It appears Amy’s boyfriend is threatening me with physical assault.


Update November 4, 2018

Amy Charron says she and Steven Steele were married.  Did he die?  Did they ever get a legal, civil, on-file divorce?  I have seen no indication they were ever divorced or that Steven Steele died.  So, I am thinking Amy Charron is a married woman; married to Steven Steele.


Bill’s testimony regarding Amy – Text in comments section below.



Update November 5, 2018

In light of current developments in the AMY CHARRON story, Bill (aka William Witt as noted above), has posted a new article, dated today, November 5, 2018, on AMY CHARRON.

Here is the link:


More threats from Amy and her boyfriend Johnny!


Link to video in Bill’s article referenced above:


Update November 6, 2018

Bill’s article has been published today on the website of Tea Party Tribune at the following link:


Here’s the latest from Amy.  I must be left to wonder where I might fit in to her “big bang”!


Following is the latest edition of the foregoing post from Amy:


Update November 7, 2018


Update November 8, 2017

For some reason, Amy is on a rampage of sorts today; attacking me, Robert Baty, and Wilbur Witt!

Excerpts Only As Displayed Above


This man (Robert Baty)….has claimed that Johnny has
threatened him and that I am a married woman.
This guy (Robert Baty) is a psycho.
This man, Robert, has now claimed some kind of protection,
as well, by his agency.  Yet the DA doesn’t seem to know
anything about this agency..
It’s a nightmare.  He has made my life a nightmare…I’ve had
numerous of you message me and tell me you fear I’ll be murdered.
(He’s a coward. – Johnny White from off-screen)
Do not say he’s a coward, because it’s way worse than being
a coward.
That man is dangerous y’all.  There’s no way that man would
have that much time on his hands and not be dangerous.
Everyone that’s read the site agrees he’s dangerous.
My hope is they (Robert Baty and Wilbur Witt) will both burn
in hell and sit in jail until the day they die.  They’re both elderly
men and they are disgusting….
Amy Charron
November 8, 2018

We’ll see, maybe, if the Baytown, TX folks have a record of any criminal complaints against me from Amy Charron.


Amy is on a roll today!


And another one!


PACER Screenshot November 8, 2018 8:45 PM MT

Case Closed 08/17/2018


Amy Charron is welcome to make her appearance here, in the comments section, and engage in an open, honest discussion of areas of mutual interest which may be disputed.

Here’s a testimonial from Wilbur Witt, Jr., in response to some of what Amy has had to say about her relationship with him and related matters.

“Shared” with Permission


A visitor just posted the following in the comments section below:

“You’re merely sharing the information she spouts. She wanted attention. She can’t control the opinions she gets. Unfortunately when you spend your life manipulating and exploiting people. This is the result. All of Amy’s problems are created by Amy’s actions. Amy should get treatment. Get a job and support herself. And stop trying to talk down on every single person who ever helped her. She expects people to support her she’s fifty years old. Get a grip Amy. Get a job. You and Johnny both. Stop exploiting old folks. Bums.”


Update November 9, 2018

Amy is now, in part, whining about my acceptance of her claim that she had a legal, binding, common-law marriage that may still be in effect if she did not get a civil, legal, on-file divorce or the man died.

I don’t know.  Amy is long on story-telling and short on facts and documentation.  So, I just report and you can decide, pending further documentation.


Common law marriage, also known as marriage without formalities or informal marriage, is a valid and legal way for a couple to marry in Texas.

Section 2.401 of the Texas Family Code states that a common law marriage may be proved by evidence that the couple:

  • agreed to be married”; and
  • after the agreement they lived together in this state as husband and wife; and they
  • represented to others that they were married


Wilbur Witt, Jr., whom Amy likes to attack, has a little more to say about the matter in his latest published article at the following link:



Update November 10, 2018


Amy still wants to talk about me, me, me!



From: Amy Charron
Date: November 10, 2018
Time: 7:40 PM MT
This creepy journalist got away with harassing me for years, cyber bullying, sexual advances, entrapment on false FBI claims and much more too. But worst of all he got away with stealing everything to my name several years ago….. that I paid 250 a month on in storage for years! I have witnesses, videos and the police for several years kept refusing to help! When I sent video proof to the police and a lieutenant, he began targeting me non stop. I had to block him but then he got worse! He has edited my evidence, slandered me and falsified my tragic story! He got away with stealing all my antiques, inheritance valuables, all my clothes ECT, my once famous dad’s music collection and his guitars! He got away with stealing my jewelry collection mostly designer and rare art work.He threw away all my HUNDREDS of photo albums, evidence tapes and thousands of loose pictures that were used in a CPS CASE. He had admitted to taking it then later changed his story to I left it all…. to later claiming it burn down in a fire! The fire KALEEN TEXAS deparrment claimed no such thing! He literally said his whole house burned down and he had no insurance! He lured my ex and I to his house on false claims of an FBI agent helping us. He also claimed this agent was going to help us get safe in a few days! It was all a sick plot to have me with nothing to survive! He took even all my ex’s belongings too! I was talking to this fake FBI agent 2 hours but later the journalist admitted he was somebody else! Falsifying the FBI to steal my entire u haul of belongings is a major felony! We were promised protection by a false FBI agent! We didn’t know this until our things were stolen! The whole scam was a hoax! Still the police did nothing and said word for word his name Wibur Witt junior, a crazed elderly journalist, had no record of living in any house! Then Wilbur admitted the houses he allegedly owned were in his estranged wife’s name. Oddly he claimed they didn’t live together over his step daughter, Jackie! He creepily claimed Jackie went missing after he took showers with her naked and had sexual desires for her! He claimed his wife left over it! He told my ex fiance and I this! We REPORTED this too afraid of Jackies well being. In about 8 years her where abouts is unknown. This is Wilburs words! He claims it is for the best!
My God now he has joined the man (Robert Baty) on his hate site slanderimg the truth like crazy!
Both these men are elderly journalist now playing the I am too old for Amy’s attacks!
What a joke I never disclosed this publicly until one has terrorized me like 5 months and the other for yrs!
Now they claim I am married.
Total lies!
My ex fiance went missing last yr! Or whenever the police covered up all that hell. On fb I always called him my fiance.
Only very stressed did I mistakingly say different maybe once or twice in the 2 years we knew each other!
Now they have a fake posts claiming I am married!
We filed one day before he went missing for emergency help as unmarried!
Filed with the gov’t!
The police even told me they couldn’t do much when he went missing bc we weren’t married!
These evil journalist are twisting my evidence and story.
They have been reported to the POLICE and I was advised to sue!
I can prove this!
They have been REPORTED to the DA”s office too.
This is typical and why I am suing our police department and others!
This situation where our police let men get away with this is disgusting!
I spoke to a lawyer/witness today that knows my case well.
She was not surprised I still have no justice!
Welcome to Lawless Texas where the victims are treated worse than the criminals!
GOOGLE plz my hell for justice and survival.


Update November 11, 2018

Where is Johnny White?

How is Johnny White?

Johnny White now has his very own FB page, since his alleged fiance’, Amy Charron, claims his phone was stolen and she’s taken back the FB page that SHE made for him when they met (this happened before to Steven Steele).

Johnny may have diminished capacity and not truly be aware of all the dangers in being associated with Amy Charron.

Johnny White desperately needs a welfare check.

I think Amy Charron is close to becoming a real life “Black Widow” if she hasn’t already.

If you have any information regarding the whereabouts and welfare of Johnny White, please post such below in the comments section of this page.


Just about the last thing Amy needs – A dog!

Rumor has it that the last dog Amy had was left to die in an apartment she had abandoned.


Amy did her latest live video in the dark and posted it at the following link:

Additional quote not in graphic below:


“If anything really bad happens to me,

I want y’all to remember the names Wilbur Witt, Robert Baty…”


– Amy Charron

– November 11, 2018


In that same live video on FaceBook Amy also indicated she couldn’t/wouldn’t go public with her “33 page motion” the judge hasn’t acted on; the one she sent to the Court after her case was DISMISSED.

See following files for what I think she has reference to (it’s already quite public):

Amy Charron Amended Complaint 09182018

Amy Charron Attachment 09142018

Amy Charron Letter 09142018


Update November 12, 2018

Wilbur Witt, Jr. says, in part:

“Amy cannot walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. She rattles. Amy sees FBI under every bridge. Reality messes with her head, and continued truth throws her for a loop. If you will note, I consistently tell the same story, just adding details as I remember them. Amy can’t do that. Not even during one LiveFeed which is why she takes them down after putting them up.”


– Wilbur Witt, Jr.

– November 12, 2018


Wilbur Witt, Jr. adds, in part:


Loved her “blackout” video.

If you’ll notice I don’t harass or stalk or lie.

Writing about what I SAW in my home is not slander.


Now, she’s with a man, whom she’s not married to (he’s lying right here by me) but I’m a dirty old man.


She’s cracking folks.

Can’t chew gum and walk at the same time.

Just like I told you.


She’s running out of gas.

When she gets cornered she always “goes to ground.”


As reality closes in you’ll see Amy get farther and farther out.


NOTE TO AMY CHARRON – If you post the link to my article about you it is likely to get more people to do what you ask them; read it.

I seem to have missed this from Amy:


Look out Amy!  The lawyers are coming after you and your account of the assault you allege was committed on you and Johnny by Jason Delaney and Cesar Pena.

Jason got his private public defender appointed earlier and he’s already been approved to spend $600 for a private investigator.

Today we find out that Cesar’s private lawyer has made his appearance (see file below).

Look out Amy!

It may be about to get real fun as the next court date for those cases comes later this month.

Charron Assault Def Pena Gets Lawyer



Sometimes people tell me things.

Sometimes people send me things.

Sometimes people post stuff.

I report.  You Decide.


Update November 13, 2018

(TEXT of Above)

“It’s all lies what these journalists are saying. 
Their names are Robert Baty and Wilbur Witt, Jr.
I can’t believe these people can get away with this.  Don’t worry about these evil little journalists that think they can discredit me and make my life hell…This is where the 2 journalists come in.  Once 2 men got arrested for aggravated assault on Johnny and I…The more I prove the more these 2 journalists come after me, try to discredit me, admitting, one of them, that he’s writing the DA trying to get this case dismissed…Now this journalist named Robert Baty has made this hate site doing everything he can to defend everyone who has physically harmed me, mentally harmed me…It is disgusting…No one has ever come after me like this…Do I think Robert Baty and Wilbur Witt, Jr. are capable of murder?  Absolutely!…Don’t tell me these men aren’t dangerous…”
– Amy Charron
– November 13, 2018


Update November 14, 2018



Update November 15, 2018

Uh oh!  Cesar Pena now has a hot-shot private lawyer!  Amy Charron’s complaint against him and Jason Delaney (who got a lawyer earlier and has a private investigator on the case) is now all the more in doubt.

Charron Assault Def Pena Gets Lawyer



Text of Above

I’ve got 2, you know, monsters (Robert Baty & Wilbur Witt, Jr.) that are terrorizing me daily.  One daily and one, you know, whatever. 
They’re both elderly journalists that cannot leave me alone, cannot stop falsifying my (?), making up stories, you know, trying to discredit me. 
One journalist is trying to protect the man that got charged with aggravated assault recently for what they did to Johnny and I while we were sleeping…horrific…and now I hear from this journalist that they hired a detective to get dirt on me…
I’m not going to get into all of it…If anything happens, definitely these 2 journalists should be investigated…
People have messaged me saying they are fearful they will hire someone to murder me…
Right now they are mentally abusing me…
If anything happens, have the name Wilbur Witt, Jr. and Robert Baty investigated. 


– Amy Charron

– FaceBook Live Broadcast

– 12:45FF Mark


After posting the above live FaceBook video, Amy posted the following comments to her public FaceBook timeline.


Update November 16, 2018

What about “Bill the Butcher”?  See:


Amy & “Bill” on the Radio Today!

Text of “Bill’s” comments above:

“I Googled my name today.  I’ve been working on a thing on a cyberstalker called “Amy”.  I won’t use her last name here, but somebody said Google your name and see what’s going on…I’m working on a girl named “Amy”, a cyberstalker, and what she traditionally does is she moves in with elderly people.  She leaves stuff with them.  When they run her off, they robbed her of millions of dollars and all of that.  We’re trying to shut her down.  She’s right down there in Houston, Doc.”


– “Bill the Butcher”

– (aka Wilbur Witt, Jr.)

– November 16, 2018 (-36:40ff time mark)


Update November 18, 2018

Amy desperate for attention today?


I can find no record of Amy’s attendance at the University of Texas on its website which, reportedly, has records on-line back to 1977.  I think Amy claims she was a student there.  Here’s the link to the page to check student records.

Just how much of the following can be documented?


Update November 19, 2018

Back around 2005 Amy thought she had come up with a scheme to cash in by filing suit against some “big boys” over an alleged incident where she splashed some gasoline on herself at a gas station.

Ultimately, after the defendants were moving for summary judgment based on the claim that Amy had presented “no evidence” to support her claims, Amy moved for the case to be dismissed, and so it was.

Following are some files reflecting the 3 petitions filed by Amy, who was represented by counsel, the motion for summary judgment based on “no evidence”, and the acceptance of Amy’s motion to dismiss the case.

Charron v Motiva et al Petition

Charron v Motiva et a Petition 2

Charron v Motiva et al Petition 3

Charron v Motiva et al Def no evidence motion

Charron v Motiva et al Dismissal


Update November 20, 2018 – 5:25 PM MT

I finally heard directly from Jason Delaney, one of the men Amy Charron was able to get charged with aggravated assault based on her claims regarding a certain recent incident whereby Amy’s host family was wanting to rid themselves of their unwanted guests Amy and her boyfriend Johnny White.


The story is developing, and a hearing is scheduled for Cesar Pena, the other man, for November 28, 2018 while Jason’s hearing is scheduled for November 29, 2018.

Based on what I have heard, I can’t imagine any prosecutor wanting to go to trial on the aggravated assault charge with Amy Charron as his/her star witness.

Maybe the charge will be dismissed or they can make a deal to quickly dispose of the case for a much lesser charge without jail time for either defendant.

Maybe Amy and Johnny will be facing one or more related charges for what they did to their host family and Pena and Delaney.

Time will tell.


I was out much of today and have been playing catch up.  I just noticed that “Bill the Butcher” has posted this video today:



(Text of Above from Amy)

“I’ve regrouped.  I was letting some really evil journalists (Wilbur Witt, Jr. & Robert Baty), like, slander me, like crazy for months and months and months and that started like absorbing my energy into their wicked, you know, ways and I started remembering things that I’ve learned with my journey for justice and righteousness and I know that hate is not in my heart…I started getting in a really dark place when I was being daily harassed.  You know, these two journalists, you know, like, you know when you do a video and it slows down.  They would post pictures of me, or this one (Robert Baty), claiming that’s what I look like in real life…I’m not even going to give him the pleasure of talking about him any more because one of the admitted he wanted to get publicity, actually both of them at different times…I made police reports; they agree it was beyond the normal, you know,…they were like, this is definitely harassment.”
– Amy Charron
– November 20, 2018

Update November 21, 2018


Update November 22, 2018

A testimonial regarding Amy Charron:


Update November 22, 2018

One of Amy’s husband’s; the more affluent lawyer Willem De Weerd.


Update November 23, 2018

Amy seemed to say recently that she was going to shut up about me and take the high road.  So it seems something has ticked her off and she has come back with this.  In addition to the comments and photo below she also posted some screenshots of what I have posted above.


Reportedly, the following is the biological father of Amy’s biological child who has been in the custody of Amy’s mother for about 9 years now without any visitations being afforded to Amy.  The man apparently was one of Amy’s many sexual liaisons and signed away his parental rights at the time.


Update November 24, 2018

Kenneth Troost, the officer Amy Charron talks about so much, worked out a settlement of his case, completed his part of the deal, and the case was dismissed.

Troost Agreement in Charron Case

Troost Charron Dismissal


Update November 25, 2018

Excerpts from a Wilbur Witt, Jr. commentary which was posted today!


From: Wilbur Witt, Jr.
Date: November 25, 2018



You guys are really churning in!


That’s what it takes.


Con-men (or women) never let up, and

will lie as the cell door slams behind them.


Do not have sympathy for Amy.

She is a criminal.

Have sympathy for her victims.


She and Steve were broke, running up and down Interstate 35

trying to sell that junk they’d carted up from Houston.


As I’ve said before, never believe the first word a con says.

The foundation is almost always false.

One must ask if the items in the UHaul truck belonged to her,

or some poor old lady she extorted and subsequently robbed?


If you’re going to be a writer, be a writer.

If you’re in it for the money you’ll never be a writer.

Robert and I are writers.

You can tell that from regular publications and the fact that

we work with you here where there is no monetary incentive.

It’s just the right thing to do.


Never think I’ve pulled back.

Amy Charron has lied about me, threatened me, and insulted me.

I’ve got this ledger you see.

In that ledger I list people who owe me, and people I owe.

I don’t obsess about it.

By and by a payday will come about.

I’ll check that ledger, and it’ll say, “Amy Charron, I owe her.”

I may not even be disturbed about it, but you always have to square the account.

And the bad thing up is that once I’m involved I always follow the job through!

She knows that.

That’s why she’s afraid.

Amy can’t embarrass me.


I’m a professional writer.

I test the waters, see what works, and run with it.


The struggle against CPS is never ending.


In some areas it’s improving, but when the system fails it’s catastrophic!

Children die!

We all stand at the foot of Alex Hill’s grave.


People like Amy confound the efforts of many good people, inside, and outside the system. There are others (i.e., Frances Amato, Jamie Sparks Wehrheim Johnson, Lydia A. Hubbell, Connie Reguli, Medical Kidnap, Terri LaPoint, Sherrie Saunders – RLBaty).


In conclusion, I’m not going anywhere! I lead a highly structured life, run my own show, and look for new publication methods every day. Oh, and I keep that ledger by my side. Let me see. Oh, here she is. Under “C.” In time.


Picture Day at Amy’s









Despite claims she would not do so, Amy is back on live video talking mostly about me.


TEXT of Above +


I’ve been dealing with a couple of really horrible men in my life. One for years, one for almost half a year, who loved to put me down…
As far as the aggravated assault that happened to the two of us.  That happened about 2 weeks ago.
These evil, evil, and I hate to use the word evil, but I’m going to say it, proudly, But these two journalists are extremely evil.  One of them is going out of his way to talk to one of the men who committed, they both committed aggravated assaults against us.  They came at us while we were sleeping, broke in the door, made us run, not dressed, basically.  They think they outsmarted the police but they are not going to get away with what they got away with.
This journalist has posted on Google that he has spoken to one of the men, the criminal.  I was told he has a criminal record a mile long.  Whether that’s true or not I can’t respond…
To think that there is a man; let me tell you how scary this is.  It’s so scary I have tried to test him; videos where I’ve marked them private.  Within seconds it’s on his Google hate site.  Can you imagine how terrifying that is?   …  Now, I’ve tested this journalist.  His name is Robert for those who don’t know who I am talking about.  The reason I don’t want to talk about it is he actually likes it…Let’s not give the little pond scum the satisfaction of getting our attention…The only reason I bring it up is because he’s getting away with crimes.  I’ve made multiple police reports against him.  Now he’s admitting he’s doing everything he can to get these men, who could have killed Johnny and I, off the hook.
                                                                      ~ Amy Charron – 11/25/2018

Wilbur Witt, Jr. replies to Amy Charron!


From: Wilbur Witt, Jr.

Date: November 25, 2018

Time: 5:56 PM


So, Amy, you weren’t married to Steven Steele? Please review the actual Texas law concerning common law marriage:
Sec. 2.401. PROOF OF INFORMAL MARRIAGE. (a) In a judicial, administrative, or other proceeding, the marriage of a man and woman may be proved by evidence that:
(1) a declaration of their marriage has been signed as provided by this subchapter; or
(2) the man and woman agreed to be married and after the agreement they lived together in this state as husband and wife and there represented to others that they were married.
And here is your affirmation of that union from your own mouth!
You and your mother are reunited and all is well. Shouldn’t Markel be sitting beside you in your usual free WiFi studio? Or better yet, wouldn’t a fireside setting in Kingwood be more reflective of your aristocratic background?
All the people you’ve helped? Like that old lady that had to have you and Johnny run off her property. Please show receipts of your generosity.
Your Federal Case. Thirty three pages of evidence. It appears the court is unimpressed.
Trying to get out of “corrupt” Texas. You had to get out of corrupt Michigan and Corrupt California too. You’re a regular Ralph Nader!
Steven is missing. Well hell yeah he’s missing. He went to cash a check and never came back. Just like Mr Deweerd! Looks like a medical condition called “Ass Hauling Syndrome” to me.
But, you are right about two things. We have you by the nose, and are about to kick you in the ass, and you are certainly right about justice being done. Have a blessed day and tell the waitress you need a refill. You can stay there longer that way!



Update November 26, 2018

Didn’t have time for a transcription.  So, paraphrased what this morning’s performance was all about.

Johnny showed up towards the end and announced that Amy’s mother was there.  Maybe we’ll get a report later as to what that was all about.

In the comments section under that video on Amy’s page the following exchange took place; Amy still talking about me!


Wilbur Witt, Jr.’s Latest Published Article On Amy

Opening Paragraph

First of all, my thanks to Amy for mentioning my name again. She’s right about one thing. Any publicity is good publicity. As her disciples wander over to find out just who the hell I am I’m picking up readers. So, where to begin?

I guess the reason Amy didn’t take after me in her earlier video today is because she knew she was going to do another one and spend a lot of time talking about me.

Excerpts including the above:

I got some pretty disturbing news today. I just found out today that the very cop that committed crimes against me and went to jail for it supposedly had his case, like, I don’t know, dropped for good behavior, whatever.  I don’t know what to believe. What a joke. Officer Troost, you are not going to get away with this.
I just wanted to let you know there is a man that has been doing cyber-stalking.  I literally fear for my life.  He seems to have some kind of pleasure in tormenting me on Google and falsifying my information and falsifying the way I look, photoshopping my pictures…  I am not going to worry about that.  What he is doing is putting such details to dear people in my past, endangering their lives because any time you are somewhat of a public figure….  I’m livid.  You can mess with me, but when you start messing with my loved ones and start putting…this guy is beyond evil.  He has now posted something that my daughter will be traumatized from about the man giving her up, terminating his rights and all that.  Who, ask yourself, what kind of man would…I honestly believe this man (Robert Baty) should go to prison…He’s made his life to terrorize me…
Do I believe this man (Robert Baty) is capable of hiring someone to murder me?
– Amy Charron
– November 26, 2018

Update November 27, 2018

Amy Charron going nuts after my disclosure that Kenneth Troost made a deal, which he kept, and had the case against him dismissed.


I’m thinking she was never really “missing”.  Those with a need to know knew where she was, and that might have been in an institution due to her mental health issues.

Amy is on a roll today and here’s another live video graphic.  She has a lot more to say about me, Wilbur, and Rowena and all the alleged corruption and evil she has had to put up with.  I was again struck by Amy’s willingness and ability to flat out lie about my coverage of her case.


Update November 28, 2018

So, Amy, do tell us the details.  How terrible has it been.  What is your latest, newest “crisis”.   Try to EXPOSE something you think needs to be exposed.


Cesar Pena, one of the men Amy has alleged assaulted her and Johnny last month, was in court today on that charge and the next court date was set for January 24, 2019.  Jason Delaney, the other man charged, is due in court tomorrow.


Wilbur and Theo talk about their book project and in the final minutes discuss Amy Charron.  Here’s the time marked link to where the Amy discussion begins:


Update November 29, 2018

Bwahahahaha!  I don’t know anyone that thinks Amy Charron has been exposing anything except maybe her narcissism and vanity and yearning for the good life she claims she once had and hypocrisy.

I can hardly wait for the supposed movie producer to be contacting me for work as a consultant on the movie and maybe even offer me a role to play myself.



And then there was this from Amy!

My reply to the above from Amy is found at:


Jason Delaney, the second man Amy managed to get charged with assault as a result of an incident a few weeks ago, was in court today on that charge and, as with the other man, Cesar Pena (as noted earlier), his next court appearance has been set for January 23, 2019 (Pena’s is for the 24th).


Update November 30, 2018

Another video/audio from Wilbur Witt, Jr., featuring Amy Charron.


“This is just more examples of the threats, lies, and slander that Amy Charron came at me with. There is not one bit of truth in any of this.”


I don’t know where Amy got the notion Delaney was convicted.  Time will tell.  In addition to the comments, if you go to the link you will notice that Amy added a lot of material from this article to her post.


Update December 1, 2018

Wilbur has more to say about his dealings with Amy!

Following are quotes starting around the 18:15 mark in Wilbur’s video commentary today.


Update December 2, 2018

Wilbur has a special message for Johnny White!


It is also being reported that Johnny White’s past criminal history in California may be coming to light and Johnny may have one or more outstanding warrants; which might explain Johnny’s apparent aversion to getting personally involved with law enforcement in Houston (i.e., he did not file a report alleging Pena and Delancy assaulted him).

See Orange County Sheriff’s website at:

Examples: Maybe it’s the same Johnny White, maybe not!


One of Johnny White’s old FaceBook pages:

Johnny has also had some legal troubles in Harris County, TX (Houston), as indicated by the following record regarding an assault on a family member.  A similar, earlier incident is also on record dating back to 2002.


Update December 3, 2018

Amy Charron announces that she and Johnny White are breaking up!




Amy Charron posts a blockbuster video that she wants to go viral.  See:

For clear copy of above graphic see:

Alternative link to Amy’s video:


Wilbur Witt, Jr. has his response already broadcast at:


Scene of Amy’s alleged aggravated assault on her and Johnny:


From Amy’s most recent comments, it sounds like she has decided not to dump Johnny.  We’ll see how that goes.


Update December 4, 2018

Wilbur Witt, Jr. has another broadcast on Amy!

“Amy the Mooouth!”


Amy acts like she is not enjoying the attention she is getting and acts consistent with the opinion of some that she has untreated mental health issues as she posted the following (go to thread at link for the graphics she posted with her message):


From: Amy Charron

Date: December 4, 2018

Time: 2:00 PM


Clearing up more lies by slandeious non sense journalist bullies hate tactics.


Here is one of their pics of me posted clearly photo shopped or altered as usual.

How childish and upsurd.


The aggrevated assault and robbery was reported by Johnny White and I!

These creepers are lying as usual.

They claim that only I made rhe report.

Heck we both did and then another which was witnessed by a movie producer!

We have the case numbers as well.


These 2 bullies are claiming Johnny is on the run in Texas and that is why he didn’t report anything!


Not only is it more hate and upsurd but the movie producer and I witness Johnny ask a Sergeant to run his name because of being robbed of his wallet!


The sergeant found nothing wrong with Johnny except he can’t replace his stolen ID in Texas. Since his ID isn’t a Texas one.


If Johnny is hiding then ask why he went to internal affairs with me multiple times and met a detective with me!

Also made multiple reports about crimes against him when we first met.

Also he has left messages with the DA as well angry about his name missing from the latest assault and made another one.


Corruption it looks like not of any fault of Johnny’s.


Oh and the reason I am still on Texas is the trial is next month on these criminals who assaulted us.


More lies by these relentless so called journalist claimimg more ridiculous claims.


Amy’s Followup:


Wilbur Witt, Jr. has a few more words for Amy & Johnny!


Update December 5, 2018

Amy keeps talking about Wilbur and Wilbur keeps responding.  Here’s Wilbur’s latest:


Amy keeps harping about “us” allegedly claiming she was married to Steven Steele.  Here’s the link to the video a graphic of Amy’s own statements which have been used to note it was Amy who claimed to be married to Steven Steele.


Message to Amy Charron

Amy, you have claimed that you had a dog given to you that was recently taken from you and after a few days returned on its own.

Amy, please post a picture of you and the dog; a picture that indicates it is current and that you and the dog are together.

Also, please post a current picture of you and Johnny if you are still together.  You recently indicated that you were splitting with Johnny and then about as quickly indicated that you were not.


Update December 6, 2018

 (I think Amy has already deleted or hidden the video at the above link!)


Amy may be coming to realize that her federal case was “DISMISSED” and that she’s done nothing to change that and that nothing is going to be done to change that.  So, she wants to raise some money for a real lawyer and filing fees and start over; or at least she wants to pretend and see how much money she can raise.

Link to Post


Update December 7, 2018

Seems Amy is having trouble making up her mind, but as of now it appears Johnny is moving out!


Update December 9, 2018


Update December 10, 2018




Update December 12, 2018


She has now added at:


Wilbur’s YouTube response to Amy:


Update December 13, 2018

Amy Charron broadcasting again today!


Update December 14, 2018

The latest from Wilbur Witt, Jr.!


“Also, the left is leveling so many charges against the president I’m thinking that somehow Robert Mueller is shacking up with Amy Charron.


Who’s Amy Charron you ask?


She’s that batcrap crazy “B” word running around Houston telling everyone that I’m in the Mafia, and the FBI has a hit on her.


I just hope that money Brother Theo paid her to hide our affair doesn’t come out.

But, I never had sex with that woman!”


A little more from Wilbur today!


Wilbur has more to say about Amy with some special attention to Amy’s latest claim of having been assaulted.


Update December 15, 2018

As soon as she could, Amy posted a live FaceBook video telling her side of what happened today.  She seems quite upset.


Update December 16, 2018

From Amy’s own public broadcast!


Wilbur Witt, Jr. follows up on the developments from yesterday!


Wilbur Witt, Jr. with the latest!


Update December 17, 2018

Dates Unknown


Update December 18, 2018


Update December 20, 2018


Update December 21, 2018



Update December 23, 2018




Amy has been most recently spinning a tale about Johnny being in dire physical and mental straights because of joining with her in being a Targeted Individual. Johnny was supposed to have suffered some kind of mental/physical break and been hospitalized.


However, this morning Johnny was spotted outside Amy’s window as she prepared her typical report from an undisclosed location and explaining why she was not showing her face (i.e., she was avoiding facial recognition software used by her stalkers).


Apparently, Amy sent Johnny away from her so she could put on her performance. It is quite likely, in my opinion, that Amy did not expect Johnny to be a “peeping Tom” and show up outside the window.


“Shared” with Permission!




Update December 24, 2018

From the archives – Amy’s “free the nipple” post!


Update December 27, 2018

Lots been going on with Amy.  Too much to keep up with all the details.  However, this from Wilbur tonight is a pretty good review.


Amy Charron’s Recent 911 Calls


Update December 29, 2018


January 3, 2019

New video from Amy Charron at:



The latest is, I decide to Google my name today or YouTube my name today because my case is now with the FBI and, you know, whoever, the police again, and to my disbelief there’s just like, I mean, it’s so beyond creepy.   There’s just hundreds of videos that I didn’t put up there.  That this Wilbur Witt, Jr., now, you know, he’s been doing this to me, stalking me, harassing me, lying about my mental health, lying about my life, lying about my evidence, lying about my CPS case…   I mean, he’s so stupid…


My evidence is on FaceBook…


He and another man have made calls.  They’ve done everything they can do possible to try and have me put away…Two creepy elderly men that have nothing better to do, like the police said…  Now we got to move again…over stalkers doing crazy stuff like this…


This is ROBERT BATY and Wilbur Witt, Jr.  I mean, is this creepy or what.  I hope you just heard what I said…Their names are with the FBI…


~ Amy Charron

January 3, 2019


Update January 4, 2019

Wilbur talks about 2 big radio shows to watch for today on YouTube at:


Update January 5, 2019

Amy Charron – Film Maker


Amy Charron Meltdown on the Street 01/05/2019


Update January 7, 2019

One of my agents has come up with a pdf link to Amy’s old website; perhaps the one she has been claiming Wilbur Witt, Jr. stole from her.  Here’s the file copy for this website:

AMY CHARRON Old Website pdf


Wild, Wild, AMY CHARRON Broadcasts Tonight!





Update January 8, 2019



UPDATE January 13, 2019

A lot has been happening the last few days.  Too much to fully present in this brief update.  Johnny was arrested and spent a night in the “drunk tank”, and Amy was detained, handcuffed, and then released in connection with her interference in the arrest of Johnny.  Amy was then “thrown out” of several establishments because of her becoming a nuisance in broadcasting live FaceBook videos.

Rather than allow herself, during a live broadcast, to be thrown out of a Burger King, she whined about a dozen ailments including internal bleeding and had the police officer call for an ambulance to take her to the hospital, where she apparently was not admitted (no reason to) but was able to spend the night and exploit the free wi-fi, posting one broadcast from the hospital.

Some time after leaving the hospital, she returned and tried again (evidencing Munchausen Syndrome, in my opinion).  Again the hospital would not keep her.

On her FaceBook page, Amy posted the following photographs to promote the notion that she had some serious, abnormal, internal bleeding which she claims was due to the police brutality she suffered when detained (yes, she claims she is going to have another “big lawsuit”).

Others have suggested the bleeding may simply be such as is common to the female sorts on regular basis.

Maybe we will hear more of such things.


UPDATE January 14, 2019



January 14, 2019
3:02 PM MT
Hello, my name is Amy Charron.
I am probably not going to be able to do many live videos anymore after being unbelievably targeted where every video I would do, this has been going off and on for 9 months.  This almost cultish-type organization that often wears masks, troll masks, all kinds of weird stuff have been; calling the police accusing me of all kinds of crimes.  It’s so bad that I have been kicked out of almost every business by where I live.  This is the 7th time I’ve had to move over being targeted that the FBI is not helping with.  The DA, my local, Harris County, 2 DA’s working on 2 separate cases.  I can’t believe I live in a country will people can harass women, threaten them, threaten to even kill them, say they know where her daughter lives, threaten to kidnap her, all the things I have been going through.  And still there is no justice.
My name is Amy Charron.
C-H-A Double R O-N.
My life has been completely destroyed and I’ve gone literally from riches to rags for speaking the truth about CPS corruption and fraud and all the retaliations that happen to people for not giving up.  In my case, mainly police retaliations.  And I have been dealing with a lot of police misconduct, even brutality, and now I’ve been hospitalized 3 times over what 2 officers did to me.
Alright, just wanted to let y’all know, bye-bye.


Above Illustrated from Amy’s Video


UPDATE January 15, 2019

Wilbur’s latest editorial comments regarding Amy.  Kinda harsh.  Based on my latest insight from super secret sources, I am more inclined to present another view; that Amy may be a classic example of the state of our culture’s treatment of the mentally, that Amy is, indeed mentally ill, and her antics are primarily symptoms of serious mental health issues.


Amy’s Latest Video – Almost All About Me!


Amy said she was sending me an attorney approved letter, and I guess this is it!  She also published messages to Toby and Wilbur in separate threads.


Wilbur’s Response to Amy’s Similar Letter to Him:


UPDATE January 16, 2019

TEXT of Above

Amy Charron
January 16, 2019
4:29 PM MT.
I just want to make some things clear.
This is specifically to Robert Baty who literally, in a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds, already has my videos, despite he’s blocked, despite he’s been warned that I will take legal action against him.  He just posted another lie.  This has been going on, what, 9 months.
Robert, you posted the lie that I said I got a lawyer, or something like that.
You need to learn to read, sir.
It is clearly signed by me, and says I will take action, which, if you really want to know, I spoke to a lawyer for an hour, close to an hour and a half today… and is outraged…
I believe you literally want me dead.
Go ahead, call my bluff.
You are journalist.  You are nothing but pond scum…


Compare Amy’s accusation against me of lying about what she may have said about an attorney, and the following comments found at the time marked link below:


UPDATE January 17, 2019

Wilbur Witt, Jr. to Amy Sharon – “Prove it”!


UPDATE January 18, 2019

Amy files a motion for reconsideration in her big federal case against just about everybody in Texas.

Amy Charron motion for reconsideration 01182019

Screenshots – She mentions Toby, Wilbur, and me (Robert Baty)


UPDATE January 19, 2019

Wilbur Witt, Jr. on Amy’s Big, Federal Lawsuit


Update January 23, 2019

Amy still has a long way to go in order to put her life in order!


UPDATE January 24, 2019

The federal district court has put Amy’s motion for reconsideration on its motions’ docket for February 8, 2019.  We’ll see what they do with it then.  Meanwhile, Amy can stay away from Wilbur and me, and posted the following today (graphics excluded from screenshot):


Update January 31, 2019

Amy Charron, potty mouth, is featured in this old video from when she was sleeping with an earlier boyfriend/bodyguard/fiance.


UPDATE February 1, 2019

Amy mentioned Wilbur again today, along with me and Toby, and so Wilbur has a response:


UPDATE February 2, 2019

Hopefully, come February 8, 2019, the scheduled motions hearing, we will no longer have to speculate what the federal district court has in mind for Amy’s languishing federal case.



Update February 2, 2019

How to pronounce C-h-a-r-r-o-n!


UPDATE February 4, 2019

Amy’s motion for reconsideration in her federal suit is DENIED WITH PREJUDICE!

Amy Charron loses 02012019

The denial of the motion for reconsideration made reference to a response from certain of the defendants.  Here’s that document, and, since not all defendants appear to be covered by the response or denial of Amy’s motion, there may be further action by the Court as scheduled for February 8, 2019.

Amy Charron Defs Response 01312019

Wilbur has a few words to say about it:


Update February 5, 2019

Amy Speaks of the DISMISSAL with PREJUDICE!


Update February 7, 2019


AMY CHARRON’s morning update!

From: Amy Charron
Date: February 7, 2018
Time: 5:31 AM MT
LAWLESS Texas buys justice with pay offs often as news articles prove regarding our very corrupt Attorney General, Ken Paxton.
Not a surprise he was in my LAWSUIT is it and now it is dropped?
It is clear when suing for 20 million the good ole boys will do anything to stop you!
Along with many others even countless police officers covering up death threats ect deliberately helping criminals destroy my life over my exposure of Texas corruption with radio publicity ect and not giving up.
My federal lawsuit was shockingly DISMISSED with prejudice after being DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE!
UNLAWFULLY DISMISSED days before my birthday Feb 8th, 2019 and such a slap in my face…… ACCORDING TO LAWYERS.
This took place on the very day I proved more EVIDENCE to multiple Federal US MARSHALS at the actual FEDERAL courthouse!
Going on a big road trip plans to attempt to hold many in Texas accountable for premediated targeting and destroying my case unlawfully!
Since when can you lose a case going pro se risking your life while the major RELENTLESS crimes are under investigation by many. Such as alledgedly DA’s, FBI and Texas US Marshals.
Non stop hacking, HARASSMENT, cyberbullying, altering my pics, videos and story, cyberterrorism, assaults, robberies and stalking relating to my case affecting my work and needs to win.
Not to mention massive hacking ever since I won one case against officer Kenneth Troost and theft of massive evidence and everything to my name!
Clearly set ups to make me lose and too broke to win.
So blowing the whistle as usual on the real mind blowing reason why my Houston JUDGE, David Hitner, dropped my case after over 3 years of being brutally retaliationed over it the situation.
I was told to go in person to the FBI by the FBI and US Marshals we met with.
My case is going to be appealed by hopefully this time a big name LAWYER.
It will now be worth a huge amount over being viciously TARGETED by Texas police and cyberterrorism!
It is highly illegal to terrorize anyone by death threats and much more to cause one to miss deadlines ect!
Despite my judge was fully aware of my life in danger he chose to not prove my EVIDENCE in a jury trial!
I will be going to Hollywood very soon for my offer on a possible movie deal.
MOST likely NOT continuing my tv host job that was going to be aired in April.
I want out of Texas for good but not until WE GET OUR affadavits all done!

UPDATE February 12, 2019

Wilbur announces TruthTainment program coming up featuring AMY CHARRON!


Update February 13, 2019


Update February 15, 2019

Go to link for complete record of comments:


Wilbur Witt, Jr.’s Response


Update February 17, 2019

Amy has returned to her FaceBook and posted numerous comments including those featured below.  Go to the thread links noted for other recent comments.


Wilbur Witt, Jr. Begins His Latest Response to Amy!

Wilbur’s Video Response:


The AMY CHARRON PLAYLIST (videos) courtesy of Wilbur Witt, Jr.:


Update February 19, 2019

Amy calls out desperately for help using her FaceBook page and the thread at the link below.  She claims she is in hiding and is having trouble communicating, among other things.


Update February 21, 2019

I’m behind in keeping up with Amy, but I caught this from Wilbur (apparently Amy mentioned his name again):


Jason Delaney is one of two men Amy claimed assaulted her and Johnny back in October.  Litigation is ongoing and this is the latest in the case of Jason Delaney.  The other person, Cesar Pena, has his case coming up in a few days.


UPDATE February 22, 2019

For the 326th time, Amy Charron announces she will be leaving Texas; right after she gives someone some of her sworn affidavits, for whatever they might be worth.


Update February 23, 2019



Never mind the preceding.  Amy has decided everything is fine and she’s not going anywhere; again!


UPDATE February 27, 2019


Amy, it looks like you have about $4,000 just waiting for you to pick up.  What are you waiting for?


UPDATE March 1, 2019

The latest from Wilbur Witt, Jr. after Amy mentioned him again!



Amy Charron v. Robert Baty — 5 Comments

  1. Bill’s testimony cited in article above:
    Posted on July 19, 2016 by Bill the Butcher
    Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling.
    Always be aware that no good deed goes unpunished. I rarely, if ever, write about events in my life, centering on news items in Texas, the nation, and the world, but once in a very blue moon something will intrude into my inner circle. Most times I ignore it. I have to stay focused in order to write and stay “front page,” and boys and girls, I do that on Social Security sitting on a porch in a small Texas town. So, therefore, it is hard to get me to pay attention to anything else. Then there is “Amy!”
    See video here (no longer available)
    In a past life I did a series of articles on the CPS (Child Protective Services). During this time I came across Amy. Apparently, she had run afoul of the powers that be and was relieved of custody of her daughter. Her mother, and step father ended up with the child, and Amy launched into a huge social media presence to regain her little girl. She would call me and I’d listen to hours of details about how the police had broken the law, she had been denied rights, the little girl was in danger, and on and on. When it all became too much, and I began to pull back she turned on a dime, saying I was trying to trick her, and was part of a vast conspiracy against her. We lost touch for about five years.
    About a month ago Amy popped up again. Still no girl, but she claimed to have a huge amount of “evidence” that would “bust this case wide open.” About a week ago she texted me telling me that she had to get out of town because her “bodyguard” had been murdered, and the assassins were looking for her, seemingly because she had this tremendous vault of documents that would incriminate public officials. You know, officials like, say, the GOVERNOR! She also needed to borrow eighty dollars because she was about to be booted from the motel she was staying in.
    I don’t have credit cards so I couldn’t pay the motel. Upon learning that she told me she, and her companion (another “bodyguard”) could drink coffee at Denny’s and have a place for the night. I suggested that if she could come here that I could put her up for a bit until she could sort things out. Ok, I’m stupid! I got a text from her telling me that her mother had surrendered some of her belongings, money was now no problem, and she was on the way. At 5:00 AM (That’s right AM!) they rolled up in a UHual truck.
    Well, I’m stuck! So I put them up while they tripped around in the truck trying to sell her “valuables” which achieved practically nothing.
    During this stay I let her talk with my co-writer, Ted about her “case.” She rattled on, piling layer upon layer and he took it all in. The week rocked on. She told me she had to return to her town for a court appearance. Only problem was, you guessed it, no money. They were a bit short. I found the money needed to help them get a bus ticket. She never flies because the assassins are guarding the airports. Anyway, bye bye Amy! Au Contraire! So yesterday I get a text saying, “Urgent, please call!” At that time I was listening to a radio show that I contribute to, and composing the morning’s article so the best I could do was text back, “What’s up?” Her response was “Bull shit sir as always. I’m told my daughter Steven and I will be murdered tonight!!!!! Got the msgs to prove it over 80 today threatening our lives! Too busy fuck you all”
    I was a bit, shall I say, perturbed? Save your fork, it gets better. Next day she began my morning with “Well with your rapist son you told us about and hiding 5 grandkids you won’t win. I have the info and addresses to show my contacts with big media. You tube down or I’m going public with your msgs and the truth about you and your secrets. By the way remember I’m smart I taped everything including my so called talk with some high security Ted contact. 2 hours I taped it and the very next day I’m told about 80 times that my girl will be killed, my fiancé and myself! You covered this instead of that! You will be exposed!”
    Now, let’s examine this. Bear in mind that I have not harmed this individual. I actually didn’t discuss her case with her to any degree. As usual, I was concentrating on the national scene, writing articles.
    The YouTube she refers to is one I did last night. You may enjoy that at (no longer available).
    At first I was just ignoring her rants, but after several hours of texts, which I will not bore you with, I decided to at least address the issue somewhat. She also alludes to “hiding” my five grandchildren. My grandchildren are very public, plugged into the system, and live in a 6,000 square foot house in the mountains of Utah. .
    The biggie was her claiming she “recorded” her conversation with Ted. She was using an iPhone. Now prove me wrong, but I have tried to record phone conversations, and even FaceTime of my grandchildren and have found no way to do it. Oh, one more thing . . . she was using MY iPhone, and there are no recordings, not even voice notes on it right now! Her entire text was based on a lie!
    This is what Amy does. She builds huge straw men, laying “facts” upon suppositions that seem to support her allegations until you peel away the veneer, and see it all for what it is. Just one great big lie! The fact that she turned on me is important.
    I absolutely did her no wrong.
    In fact, her stuff is still stored in my shed! Free of charge, I might add. Amy claims she has a deal in Hollywood where she is going to “expose” me. Please do! I need the publicity. If you will note, other than a general statement at the first of this article, I have not discussed her case. I do have information on it, but I will not share that information, suffice to say, in my opinion I don’t think there is much chance of a mother and child reunion.
    The good news is her attention span is about five days. After that, she finds a new boogie man, or men, goes into a tail spin, and forces her “facts” on yet some other poor soul who is scraping money to get rid of her. In my business you can’t stay angry. Actually, you can’t even get angry if you are going to remain objective. I’m not angry with Amy. I wish her the best, unfortunately the best for her seems to be the room with a view!

  2. Another reference from Bill:
    Introduction to video at above link:
    I cover many bases.
    While being a Texas Nationalist, primarily, I touch on subjects that range from that to off the wall. My outlets are patriot ones, but I’ll use the same style of broth to cook an entirely different stew. .
    So it is with the “Amy” thing.
    Normally, I’d touch a subject like this, and move on, but she won’t shut up. Now, bear in mind that I’m a writer, with a couple of readers, and she continuously feeds me material. And she hasn’t figured this out!
    Amy lives in a Cinderella world with one Prince Charming after another.
    She imagines the very mention of her name is some sort of felony, and sees at least thirty shooters on the grassy knoll.
    She lost her kid about six years ago, and this dog’s been eating grass ever since.
    So, she hit me the other day, and I won’t quote her, suffice to say she claims I’m “on the run” and she is on her way to Hollywood to do “Dr. Phil.”
    Accordingly, I composed a piece.
    Here, for your edification is the latest installment of “Amy.”

  3. You’re merely sharing the information she spouts. She wanted attention. She can’t control the opinions she gets. Unfortunately when you spend your life manipulating and exploiting people. This is the result. All of Amy’s problems are created by Amy’s actions. Amy should get treatment. Get a job and support herself. And stop trying to talk down on every single person who ever helped her. She expects people to support her she’s fifty years old. Get a grip Amy. Get a job. You and Johnny both. Stop exploiting old folks. Bums.

  4. From Shara today (graphic in update in article above):
    From: Shara Michelle
    Date: November 25, 2018
    Time: 9:21 AM
    Update taken from an extensive off camera interview dated July 2018~
    I am “setting the record straight” for Mr Baty and the public, regarding his reporting a web of misinformation against the Kenworthy family, while claiming to have journalistic integrity and accuracy.
    Regarding the “Housing Authority/Housing Allowance Case” and your reporting under your false narrative, here are the true facts:
    Your statements: “Housing Allowance” implies the Kenworthy family was receiving government assistance, on our tax dollar, for their living situation.
    This is not accurate.
    The housing authority case was a civil rights, EMPLOYMENT, JOB discrimination, wrongful termination case. Lee Kenworthy was hired and employed as a live in super intendent for the housing authority of Bergen County.
    Shayling and Lee Kenworthy were outstanding parents with a combined annual income of over 100k.
    The complaint also states, Mr Kenworthy and his family were discriminated against, attacked and wrongfully terminated.
    Those are the facts in the Kenworthy V. Housing Authority of Bergen County case.
    In July 2018, during this interview, Lee posed the question:
    “Why in the world would two political activists/whistle
    blowers, ever take a state position?”
    Another fact for the public:
    Shayling and Lee Kenworthy were dealing with another “false” Children’s Social Services investigation case at the exact same time that they accepted the position with the housing authority of Bergen County.
    All documented fact.
    Lee started the position in December 2014, the same month his children were returned, and court litigation for the Children’s Social Services was closed and dismissed within the week after he started the position.
    Connect the dots.
    During this interview dated July, 2018, Lee posed the question:
    “Coincidence, or an avenue for their beloved
    children’s return and their continual silence”
    Mr Baty, you continue your false reporting following your false narrative as you can see by the above documented facts, your reporting is far from accurate.
    This statement is for the record. I have
    10 hours of off video, previous interviews with Mr Lee Kenworthy
    documents to match his statements.
    Freedom Public Press~

  5. It appears WordPress will not let me make additions to the article above; maybe due to it’s length and graphics.
    So, I here note that the legal proceedings as to Jason Delaney, one of the men Amy has accused of assaulting her and Johnny, have been put off again until April 30, 2019.

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